Tuesday, March 27, 2012

deleting old backups/trn files.

i have a maintenance plan running on my database, in which I told the wizard, on creation, to "remove files older than 4 week" and yet it doesn't seem to be doing so, as on checking this morning, diskspace was getting low, due to over 300gb of backups and trn' dating back to september.

Anyone have ny problems with maintenance plans not cleaning up when told?

ano because I do not use them. I create my own jobs.|||Maintenance plans are nothing but wizards that create SQL Agent jobs. If the job is modified, the maintenance plan has no clue that anything has changed, and if the maintenance plan is re-edited it will overwrite any other changes made to the jobs.
Maintenance plans are top candidates for the most confusing and misleading functionality within SQL server. I avoid them, except as a means of defining groups of databases for administrative purposes.
Open up the job in SQL Agent and check the code that is being run. It should be something like "EXEC xp_sqlmaint '-PlanID 02A52657-D546-11D1-9D8A-00A0C9054212...".
Post it here.|||here you go...

EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID 2A998DBD-3F5D-4685-ACCA-70354638C8C5 -Rpt "D:\mssql\REPORTS\live DB Maintenance4.txt" -WriteHistory -VrfyBackup -BkUpOnlyIfClean -CkDBRepair -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpDB "D:\mssql\BACKUP" -DelBkUps 4WEEKS -CrBkSubDir -BkExt "BAK"'|||There is an additional parameter for specifying deletion of reports, and for some reason this parameter is left out of the sql_maint documentation in Books Online. I am thinking it is "-DelRpts 4WEEKS", but I am not sure. I will look it up for you once I get back to my office.

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